18th Chancellor for the University of Denver named


Dr. Rebecca Chopp

18th Chancellor University of Denver

Photo courtesy of: University of Denver


The University of Denver announced today, June 12, 2014 that the 18th Chancellor of the University of Denver is Dr. Rebecca Chopp.

Dr. Chopp comes to DU from from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania where she has served as President since 2009 and will join the University of Denver community as Chancellor on September 1, 2014 as the first female chancellor of the university.

More information about Dr. Chopp’s appointment as Chancellor and her professional background can be viewed online: http://www.du.edu/chancellor-search/index.html and/or by reading her interview with the DU Magazine: http://magazine.du.edu/campus-community/university-of-denver-names-rebecca-chopp-president-of-swarthmore-as-18th-chancellor/

The Graduate School of Social Work looks forward to welcoming Dr. Chopp to campus tomorrow and again in the coming months. For more information on tomorrows events at the Anderson Academic Commons please visit: http://www.du.edu/chancellor-search/index.html.


DU celebrates its Sesquicentennial (150 years)


The University of Denver will celebrate its Sesquicentennial (150 Years) as a university in 2014.

Below is a picture of campus as it would have looked in 1864.


Photo courtesy of: http://blogs.du.edu/magazine/files/2013/11/OldCampus-2c892s3.jpg

Below is what campus looks like today (2014):

University Hall 2014

Photo courtesy of: http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg112/MobyLL/DU/UniversityHall2.jpg

Both photos are of University Hall which was is currently the oldest building on the DU campus. Ground breaking on University Hall took place around 1890 (http://hdl.handle.net/10176/codu:55330)

As part of the larger university celebrations the university is hosting many events throughout the year to help the DU community, supporters, and alumni celebrate this momentous moment in the universities history. The main university blog posted a great article about the history of the university that we at GSSW think you all should go read and share. Their blog can be viewed at:  http://blogs.du.edu/magazine/campus-community/university-to-celebrate-150th-anniversary-throughout-2014.

In addition to this great article the university has a Sesquicentennial website with all the events and information that will happen over the next school year. We encourage everyone to visit: http://www.du.edu/live/eventseries.html#sesquicentennial.

The GSSW Class of 2014 is graduating in an unique year for the university and are also our last class to graduate under our old curriculum. Lots of changes are happening at GSSW and at DU and we hope everyone is ready for the journey with us!

Happy Sesquicentennial DU! We’re glad to be a part of such a great university!

Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

Nelson Mendla

Photo courtesy of ABC News.

The recent passing of Nelson Mandela brings a unique historical moment for the University of Denver and the Graduate School of Social Work. Our Dean James Herbert Williams, adjunct faculty member Bruce Guernsey, and staff member Ethan Crawford took a group of nine students to South Africa as part of our International Courses & Internship opportunities.

Dean Williams, and the rest of the GSSW family were in South Africa when Nelson Mandela passed away on December 5, 2013. Some of the students who took the opportunity to blog about what they were experiencing on a first hand basis. A wonderful example written by MSW student Aaron Earley can be read at: http://gsswblog.du.edu/globalpractice/2013/12/06/nelson-mandela-it-always-seems-impossible-until-its-done/. The author of this posting also took this photo of the South African flag at half-staff in memory of and to honor the life of this remarkable individual.

South African Flag Half Staff

Photo courtesy of Aaron Earley

The rest of the blog postings from this unique trip and opportunity for the GSSW students can be viewed at: http://gsswblog.du.edu/globalpractice/category/blogs/south-africa/.

Nelson Mandela will not be forgotten and what he did for South Africa and the world is a true gift. Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. The world is a better place for having you lived among the human race.

*** This posting will be updated with further links to student blog postings or thoughts upon the students return to campus.

GSSW exploring South Africa

Dean James Herbert Williams, faculty, staff, and some students are currently in South Africa exploring Social Work practice!

They are blogging about their experiences while traveling. Please visit: http://gsswblog.du.edu/globalpractice/.

We wish them a successful trip and a safe return to the states soon!

GSSW Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Community Friends.